דילוג לתוכן

Adobe K12 Errors | התמודדות עם תקלות בהתקנת תוכנות Adobe K12 בכיתות מחשבים | מתקינים תוכנות אדובי בבית הספר? הנחיות להתמודדות עם שגיאת התקנה (Installation Faild)

התמודדות עם תקלות בהתקנת תוכנות Adobe CC K12 בכיתות מחשבים | הנחיות להתמודדות עם שגיאת התקנה (Installation Faild)

מתקינים חבילות עיצוב ועריכה Abobe במחשבי בית הספר ונתקלתם בהודעות שגיאה / ההתקנה נפסקה באמצע?

להלן רשימת קודי שגיאות ותקלות התקנת חבילות Adobe Creative Cloud אופיינות ע"י מספרן.​

לפני הכל, עליכם לוודא שמערכת ההפעלה מעודכנת!!! יש להריץ בדיקת עדכונים של מערכת ההפעלה ובנוסף עדכוני דרייברים, בדגש על הכרטיס הגרפי!!!
יש לוודא שאינכם חורגים מכמות הרישיונות שרכשתם ושחבילת ההתקנה עדכנית ותואמת למערכת ההפעלה שלכם.
יש לוודא שהגנה על המחשבים אינה חוסמת את תהליך ההתקנה / ביצוע האקטיבציה
במקרה שההקתנה נפסקה וקיבלתם קישור / קובץ log, עליכם לנבור בו ולחפש את הסיבה לעצירת ההתקנה.
מצא ואת הפתרון לקוד השגיאה הספציפי בו נתקלתם:
מצאו במהירות קוד שגיאה או הודעה ספציפית: השתמשו בתכונת החיפוש של דפדפן האינטרנט על מנת לאתר במהירות את השגיאה במסמך זה.
יש להקיש על Cmd+F (Mac OS) או Ctrl+F (Windows).​

Error Code



1, P1

Creative Cloud desktop app failed to install/update

See Error: “Failed to install” Creative Cloud desktop app.

2, P2

Creative Cloud desktop app failed to install/update

See Error code 2 or 50: Creative Cloud desktop app update failed.

21, P21

System requirements not met.

Upgrade your system to minimum system requirements required for installing the application. For more information, see System requirements | Creative Cloud.

23, P23

Insufficient disk space.

Free some space and click Retry.

41, P41

Unable to access a critical file/directory.

Click Retry to install it again.

42, P42

Unable to access a critical file/directory.

Click Retry to install it again.

43, P43

Unable to copy a critical file/directory.

Click Retry to install it again.

44, P44

Unable to create a critical file/directory.

Click Retry to install it again.

45, P45

Unable to access a critical file/directory.

Click Retry to install it again.

46, P46

Unable to access a critical file/directory.

Click Retry to install it again.

47, P47

Unable to access a critical file/directory.

Click Retry to install it again.

48, P48

Unable to access a critical file/directory.

Click Retry to install it again.

49, P49

Unable to access a critical file/directory.

Click Retry to install it again.

50, P50

Creative Cloud desktop app failed to install.

See Error code 2 or 50: Creative Cloud desktop app update failed.

81, P81

Another installer instance is running.

Wait for the installer instance to finish and try again.

82, P82

Adobe Application Manager is running.

Wait for the Adobe Application Manager to finish and try again.

86. P86

Another version of Creative Cloud desktop app is running.

Quit the Creative Cloud desktop app and try again.

87, P87

Another installer instance is running.

Wait for the installer instance to finish and try again.

101, C101

Unable to install the product.

Click Retry to download and install it again.

102, C102

Unable to install the product.

Click Retry to download and install it again.

103, C103

Unable to install the product.

Click Retry to download and install it again.

105, C105

Unable to install/uninstall the product

Click Retry to install/uninstall again. For more information, see Unable to install Adobe apps | Error 105.

106, C106

Unable to install the product.

Click Retry to download and install it again.

107, C107

The download is damaged.

Click Retry to download and install it again.

108, C108

Another installer instance is running.

Wait for the installer instance to finish and try again.

109, C109

Unable to install the product.

Click Retry to download and install it again.

110, C110

Unable to install the product.

Click Retry to download and install it again.

113, C113

Unable to reach Adobe servers.

Check your Internet connectivity and firewall settings, and then try again. For more information, see Advanced connectivity troubleshooting.

114, C114

Unable to extract files.

Click Retry to download and install it again.

115, C115

The download is damaged.

Click Retry to download and install it again.

116, C116

The download is damaged.

Try disabling the antivirus software on your system.

117, C117

Network connectivity or stability issues.

For more information, see Fatal Error 117 occurred while download.

119, C119

Server not responding.

Check your Internet connectivity and firewall settings, and then try again. For more information, see Advanced connectivity troubleshooting.

120, C120

Insufficient disk space.

Free some space and click Retry.

121, C121

Error writing to the temporary file location.

Fix permissions for the temporary location.

122, C122

Unable to reach Adobe servers.

Check your Internet connectivity and firewall settings, and then try again. For more information, see Advanced connectivity troubleshooting.

123, C123

Incorrect permission on the /tmp folder

See Installation failed | Exit Code 123.

124, C124

Unable to reach Adobe servers.

Check your Internet connectivity and firewall settings, and then try again. For more information, see Advanced connectivity troubleshooting.

125, C125

Unable to reach Adobe servers.

Check your Internet connectivity and firewall settings, and then try again. For more information, see Advanced connectivity troubleshooting.

126, C126

The download is damaged.

Click Retry to download and install it again.

127, C127

Unable to extract files.

Do the following:

  • Check permission on adobetemp folder located at [Win] /adobetemp or [macOS] \adobetemp.
  • Disable the antivirus on your system

128, C128

The download is damaged.

Click Retry to download and install it again.

130, C130

Unable to install the product.

Uninstall the product, that you are trying to install, using the Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool and then try installing the product again.

132, C132

Unable to install the product in the root directory.

Select another install location in the preferences and try again.

133, C133

Insufficient disk space.

Free some space and try again.

135, C135

Unable to uninstall the product.

Click Retry to uninstall

136, C136

Unable to install the product.

Click Retry to download and install it again.

137, C137

Unable to install the product.

Click Retry to download and install it again.

138, C138

The system is low on memory.

Restart the system and try the installation again.

139, C139

The download is damaged.

Click Retry to download and install it again.

140, C140

Unable to install the product in the selected location due to permission issues.

Select another install location in the preferences and try again.

141, C141

Unable to install the product.

Click Retry to download and install it again.

142, C142

Unable to install the product.

Click Retry to download and install it again.

143, C143

The download is damaged.

Click Retry to download and install it again.

144, C144

The download is damaged.

Click Retry to download and install it again.

145, C145

File exists at the install path. 

Rename/delete the file and then try again. To get information about the file, see More information.

146, C146

Unable to move the file.

See Error Code 146 while installing Creative Cloud apps.

147, C147

Unable to copy the file.

Check permissions and then try again. To get information about the path, see More information.

149, C149

Unable to delete the directory.

Rename/delete the directory and try again. To get information about the directory, see More information.

150, C150

Unable to delete the file.

Rename/delete the file and try again. To get information about the file, see More information.

151, C151

Unable to create the symbolic link.

Click Retry to download and install it again.

152, C152

Unable to delete the symbolic link.

Check permissions and try again. To get information about the file, see More information.

153, C153

Unable to get permissions to a file or folder on macOS.

Check permissions and try again. To get the information about the file or folder, see More information.

156, C156

Unable to create the symbolic link.

Click Retry to download and install it again.

157, C157

Unable to delete the symbolic link.

Check permissions and try again. To get information about the file, see More information.

160, C160

Unable to create registry key.

Check permissions and try again.  To get information about the registry key, see More information.

171, C171

Unable to install the product.

Click Retry to download and install it again.

176, C176

Unable to install on a network drive.

Select another install location in the preferences and try again.

177, C177

The installation path selected is too long.

Select another install location in the preferences and try again.

178, C178

The installation path contains invalid characters.

Select another install location in the preferences and try again.

179, C179

The installation path seems invalid. 

Select another install location in the preferences and try again.

180, C180

The installation language seems invalid.

Select another install language in the preferences and try the installation again. For more information, see Change the language setting of your Creative Cloud apps.

181, C181

The installation path seems invalid.

Select another install location in the preferences and try again.

182, C182

The created package does not contain the package to be installed.

Create the package again and then try to install.

183, C183

Unable to install the product.

Click Retry to download and install it again.

184, C184

File locked by another process

Restart the system and try the installation again.

188, C188

The version of the Adobe Creative Cloud desktop app installed on your system is not compatible with the installer.

Download the latest version of the Adobe Creative Cloud desktop app and try again.

189, C189

Insufficient disk space.

Free some space and try again.

190, C190

System requirements not met.

Upgrade your system to minimum system requirements required for installing the application. For more information, see System requirements | Creative Cloud.

191, C191

Unable to install the product.

Click Retry to download and install it again.

192, C192

A newer version of the application is already installed.

Uninstall the version installed on your system and try again.

193, C193

Installation cannot proceed.

Cannot install 64-bit version of the application on a 32-bit machine.

194, C194

Installation cannot proceed as there are multiple users logged-in to this system.

Log off these users from the system and try again.

195, C195

System requirements not met.

Upgrade your system to minimum system requirements required for installing the application. For more information, see System requirements | Creative Cloud.

196, C196

Unable to install the product.

Click Retry to download and install it again.

201, P201

There is a problem with the download process.

See Network and connectivity issues.

205, P205

There is a problem with the downloaded file.

See Network and connectivity issues.

206, P206

Network connection is unavailable or server is unreachable.

See Network and connectivity issues.

207, P207

There is no response from the server.

See Network and connectivity issues.

208, P208

There is a problem with the download due to limited disk space.

Free some space and try again.

209, P209

You do not have permission to download file on this system.

Check permissions and try again.

301, C301

Unable to install the product.

Click Retry to download and install it again.

303, C303

Unable to install the product.

Click Retry to download and install it again.

304, C304

The installation is no longer functional.

Download the latest version of the Adobe Creative Cloud desktop app and try again.

305, C305

Unable to install the product

Click Retry to download and install it again.

404, C404

Required OS component is missing.

See Error: api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing.

Find your error code

Find your error code in the error message or in the installer logs.

More information link in the error message

When you click the More Information link in the error message, you get the error code that the Creative Cloud for desktop app uses to identify the problem. You can also see other important information, such as the path of the filename affected or the registry value.

An example of details that the More Information link provides.

Installer logs

Search for the Install.log file at the following location:

  • Windows 7, 8, and 10 (64 bit): C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers
  • Windows 7, 8, and 10 (32 bit): C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers
  • Mac OS: /Library/logs/Adobe/Installers/

Can’t find your error code?

For information on additional install error codes, see Installation error codes and messages.