תכונות ויכולות |  |  |  | Menu command |
View connections as user’s desktop thumbnails, big or small icons. | + | + | + | |
View connections as snapshots from web-camera | + | + | + | |
Free positioning of thumbnails within workspace, allows imitate real placement of computers in a classroom. | + | | | |
See what computers are disconnected. | + | | | |
Custom background image for the workspace, allows imitate the scheme of classroom. | + | + | + | N -> Options -> Control Options |
Computer name, user name or both as name of connection | + | + | + | User View/Computer View/Free View buttons |
Any custom name for connection name | + | | | |
User interface is available in English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian languages | + | + | + | |
Sort connections in a workspace alphabetically or by numbers | + | + | + | N -> Options -> Sort |
Divide computers to virtual groups (e.g. classrooms) | + | + | | Groups tab |
Support of nested groups (i.e. groups within other groups) | | + | | |
Support of unions: several computers may be grouped in one connection, applying a command to this connection will perform this action on all computers of a union. | + | | | N -> Connections |
Dynamic connection lists: connections appear in the teacher console when student computers connects the teacher | + | + | + | |
Static lists: computer lists are stored on teacher computer. Individually for every teacher or the same for all teachers of the same computer | + | | | |
Centralized connection management: all connections are stored on server, are the same for all teachers of the network | | + | | |
Computers are addressed by IP address or DNS name | + | + | + | |
Computers may be addressed by user name of currently logged in user on student computer | | + | | |
Computers may be addressed by custom ID assigned by administrator | | + | | |
Import connections (list of computers) from CSV file, which may be created, for example, using Active Directory manager. * | + | | | |
Scan network for available student computers | + | | | N – Connections – Scan; Scan IP Range |
Student can initiate connection with any teacher computer that has access to a group, to which this student belongs (should be allowed by teacher) | | + | | |
Student can initiate connection with a teacher computer (if the teacher is in the same VLAN) and the student module was installed in special mode. | + | | | |
Compatible with Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7, 2008R2, 32 and 64-bit editions. | + | + | + | |
Works in Ethernet and wireless networks, single-VLAN and multi-VLAN | + | + | + | |
Uses direct connections (teacher as “client” connects students as “servers”) | + | | | |
Uses back connections (teacher as “server” accepts students as “clients”) | + | + | + | |
Does not require Windows Server or Active Directory services | + | + | + | |
Does not require special server installed on a teacher or administrator computer | + | | + | |
Net Control 2 Client module may be installed remotely in the network with domains, using Net Deploy tool | + | + | | Net Deploy (top toolbar) |
Net Control 2 Client module may be installed remotely via Active Directory Group Policies | + | + | | |
The Client module may be updated remotely from the teacher console | + | + | + | N -> Help and Support -> Update… |
The software can update itself automatically | + | + | + | |
Control student computer remotely in a real time, using keyboard and mouse. | + | + | + | Control |
Control several student computers at a time remotely in a real time, actions applied to one computer are repeated on all computers | + | + | + | Ctl Several button |
View-only mode for Remote Desktop tools | + | + | + | Control |
Annotate on a screen of user computer during Remote Desktop session | + | + | + | Remote Desktop Viewer |
Lock keyboard of controlled computer during Remote Desktop session | + | + | + | Remote Desktop Viewer |
Save or print screenshot of remote computer | + | + | + | Remote Desktop Viewer |
Record Remote Desktop session for further replay | + | + | + | Remote Desktop Viewer |
Switch between controlled computers either manually or in automatic mode after some time interval | + | + | + | Remote Desktop Viewer |
View snapshots of all controlled computers | + | + | + | Remote Desktop Viewer |
Broadcast desktop of Instructor’s computer to selected user computers. | + | + | + | Broadcast |
Broadcast desktop of selected user computer to others. | + | + | + | User |
Annotate on Instructor’s desktop during Broadcast Desktop session | + | + | + | Broadcast Desktop toolbar |
Speak to students in the process of broadcast | + | + | + | |
Limit area of desktop for broadcast | + | + | + | Broadcast Desktop toolbar |
Block and unblock access to Internet in a click | + | + | + | Restrictions -> Internet |
Enable access to several web-sites, as set up by teacher, black and white lists | + | + | + | Restrictions -> Internet -> Profiles |
Perform automatic filtering of content received from Internet by keywords: disable access to websites, containing forbidden words, including adult content filtering (only for Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox when NC2 Internet Control Engine is installed in Plugin Mode) | + | + | + | Restrictions -> Internet -> Profiles |
In Protocol Layer mode supports (with several limitations) alternative browsers, like Opera, Chromeand Safari. | + | + | + | Restrictions -> Internet -> Profiles |
Restrictions may be applied permanently or for some time only. | + | + | + | |
In Protocol Layer mode allows disabling/enabling access to network ports and services | + | + | + | Restrictions -> Internet -> Profiles |
Adjust system policies (operating system’s restrictions) remotely | + | + | + | Restrictions -> Policies |
- disable or enable access to system programs in Control Panel
- disable items and properties of items of Start menu
- restrict access to Desktop settings
- restrict access to Network settings
- disable DOS mode
- disable Task Manager (processes list)
- restrict access to drives (hide or disable disk drives)
- disable Add/Remove programs feature of Control Panel
| + | + | + | Restrictions -> Policies |
Restrictions may be applied permanently or for some time only. | + | + | + | |
Restrict access to programs: disable or enable programs on-fly. Profiles may be applied permanently or for some time. | + | + | + | Restrictions -> Program Restrictions |
Disable or enable printing services on selected user computers | + | + | + | Restrictions -> Printing |
Disable or enable attaching to the system USB storage devices: USB flash drives, removable HDD and FDDs | + | + | + | Restrictions -> USB |
Dynamically disable and enable removable devices: BD/DVD/CD/Floppy drives | + | + | + | |
Mute sound on student computers in a click | + | + | + | |
Restrictions may be applied permanently or for some time only. | + | + | + | |
Create quizzes, which may contain various types of questions, text and graphic elements | + | + | + | Quiz-> Quiz Constructor |
Send prepared quizzes to users. Monitor user replies and progress in real-time. Export results. | + | + | + | Quiz |
Make quick polls: ask questions to users and watch replies statistic in real-time | + | + | + | Quick Question |
Give rewards to students (gold, silver and bronze stars) | + | + | + | |
Keep journals: log lesson events, results of polling and quizzing, list of registered students, any custom notes added by teacher in the process of lesson. | + | + | + | |
Draw and type on virtual whiteboard, visible to users and instructors | + | + | + | Whiteboard |
Enable or disable drawing on user side | + | + | + | Whiteboard sub-menu |
Record teacher’s screen and replay records on student computers | + | + | + | Desktop Recorder toolbar |
Convert records to AVI format for replay with multimedia players | + | + | + | |
Request students to register themselves with student real name, optional Student ID and two custom fields assigned by teacher. | + | + | + | |
Execute programs, open documents and Internet links remotely | + | + | + | |
Close started programs and applications | + | + | + | Programs -> End Program |
Run programs and documents from Desktop | + | + | + | Programs -> Run from Desktop |
Run programs and documents from Start -> All programs menu | + | + | + | Programs -> Run from Programs |
Execute Command prompt’s commands | + | + | + | Programs -> Command Prompt |
Run and stop system services remotely | + | + | + | Programs -> Services |
Quick Run tool: create buttons or menu commands on program’s toolbar for quick running applications (documents, Internet links) remotely | + | + | + | |
Shutdown and Restart computers remotely | + | + | + | Shutdown |
Wake up (turn on) computers remotely, using WakeupOnLAN technology | + | | | Shutdown |
Switch computer to Stand-By and Hibernate power saving modes | + | + | + | Shutdown |
Send list of files (documents) to several computers at a time, save the list of sent files | + | + | + | |
Collect send files according to the saved list and arrange them in folders according user’s computer name | + | + | + | |
File Management | + | + | + | Files |
- copy files to or from user computers (to one or several computers simultaneously)
- rename, delete files on remote computers
- create new folders
- search files on remote computers
- execute files remotely
| + | + | + | |
Send text messages, in dialog windows or in full-screen | + | + | + | Messages |
Send and display graphic images (JPEG and BMP) in full-screen | + | + | + | Messages |
Send and play short audio notifications in Windows WAV format | + | + | + | Messages |
Adjust sound volume on user computers | + | + | + | Messages |
Chat with one or several users | + | + | + | Chat |
Speak to users, several at a time or individually | + | + | + | Speech |
Copy multimedia (video and audio) files to user computers and play them synchronously. All formats of Windows Media Player are supported | + | + | + | SyncPlayer |
User can send Help requests to connected Administrators. Administrator can accept or decline requests, and participate in chat with users of remote computers | + | + | + | Tray Menu on user side -> Send Help Request |
Lock keyboard and mouse to attract attention | + | + | + | Right panel -> Lock keyboard |
Lock keyboard and mouse and blank screen to maintain student attention | + | + | + | Commands -> Keyboard Management -> Lock and Blank |
Simulate Ctrl+Alt+Del pressing to open Task Manager or display Security Attention Screen (SAS) | + | + | + | |
Login students remotely | + | + | + | |
Log activity on User computers (even if computer is not in the network or Administrator computer is not connected) | + | + | + | Logger |
Monitor activity on User computers on-line: | + | + | + | Watcher |
- what programs are executed
- what web-sites (URLs) are requested
- what program is active
- different system events (new device attached, time/date changed etc.)
- save log of activity in CSV file format (for example, may be edited in Microsoft Excel)
| + | + | + | |
Lock Administrator console temporarily and unlock it with special password | + | + | + | Setup -> Security -> Lock Password |
Prevent access to Administrator Console with password protection | + | + | + | Setup -> Security -> Control Password |
Disable, enable access to individual features of Net Control 2 Administrator console using View Profiles. | + | + | | N -> Options -> View Profiles |
Individual access rights for every group: teacher can access only groups that are allowed for him/her | | + | | |
Limit access of a teacher only to one selected by administrator group | + | + | | |
Administrator password may be assigned on user computers to prevent stopping the service through tray icon menu or to prevent access to NC2 settings | + | + | + | User Options or System Tray Icon -> Configure |
Access to computers of a group may be protected with a Group ID (group password) | + | | | User Options or System Tray Icon -> Configure |
NC2 service on user computer may be assigned to some specific or to all network adapters at a time | + | | | User Options or System Tray Icon -> Configure |
NC2 service can filter connections on a base of rules assigned by Administrator | + | | | User Options or System Tray Icon -> Configure |
Functionality of the student (user) module may be restricted and limited on the user side, setting up student module permissions | + | + | + | User Options or System Tray Icon -> Configure |
Student can stop and resume service at any moment (if allowed by teacher) | + | + | + | |
Net Control 2 service displays a logo at startup, icon with description of the program and the list of currently connected computers in a System Tray; perform audio and text notifications when any Administrator computer connects to user computer | + | + | + | |
Manage sharing of devices in Microsoft LAN manager remotely: | + | + | + | Sharing |
- create new shared device (disk drive or printer)
- delete shared devices
- edit shared devices
| + | + | + | |
Perform several disk service operations remotely: | + | + | + | Disk Ops |
- check disks on errors
- defragment disks
- delete temporary files
- clear Recycle Bin
| + | + | + | |
Change wallpaper remotely in a single mouse-click | + | + | + | menu Commands -> Desktop |
Change, synchronize or verify date and time on user computers | + | + | + | menu Commands -> Date and Time |
Get system information (OS, CPU, RAM and disk drives size) | + | + | + | menu Commands -> Information |
Send and install Registry files | + | + | + | menu Commands -> Registry |
Get Registry hives remotely | + | + | + | menu Commands -> Registry |
Send snapshots of Instructor’s screen in a single mouse-click | + | + | + | Ctrl+Alt+F12 |
Create macro commands | + | + | + | menu Commands -> Create Macro… |
Create autoexecutable commands – scheduled actions performed on user side automatically | + | + | + | menu Commands -> Autoexecutable commands |
Change resolution of remote computers in a click | + | + | + | menu Commands -> Desktop |
Mute sound of primary audio output device and control muted state | + | + | + | Restrictions -> Mute |