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תוכנת שליטה לכיתת מחשבים קטנה ומצומצמת | NetControl | תוכנת שליטה לכיתת מחשבים קטנה ומצומצמת, תוכנת שליטה לכיתה לכיתות קטנות במיוחד

תוכנת שליטה לכיתה בגירסה מצומצמת מאפשרת שליטה על עד 20 עמדות בלבד

מחיר: 1690 ש"ח + מע"מ בלבד

רישוי קבוע גרסת מנחה אחת + שליטה ב-20 עמדות תלמיד בו זמנית, ללא שדרוגים, עדכונים ואינו כולל תמיכה.

ההבדלים העיקריים מתבטאים בניהול חיבורים ומדיניות ניהול קבוצות, שליטה מרכזית (כאשר מדובר בעמדות בדומיין), שיתוף פרופילי משתמש (מורה), לא נתין להקים קבוצות לוגיות (כיתות) חדשות, מגבלת חיבור מס' מורים לתלמיד בודד וכו'. כמו כן ללא עברית מובנית!


תכונות ויכולותClassroomNet Control 2 PROSmallClass Menu command
View connections as user’s desktop thumbnails, big or small icons.+++ 
View connections as snapshots from web-camera +++ 
Free positioning of thumbnails within workspace, allows imitate real placement of computers in a classroom.+   
See what computers are disconnected. +   
Custom background image for the workspace, allows imitate the scheme of classroom.+++N -> Options -> Control Options
Computer name, user name or both as name of connection+++User View/Computer View/Free View buttons
Any custom name for connection name+   
User interface is available in English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian languages+++ 
Sort connections in a workspace alphabetically or by numbers+++N -> Options -> Sort
Divide computers to virtual groups (e.g. classrooms)++ Groups tab
Support of nested groups (i.e. groups within other groups) +  
Support of unions: several computers may be grouped in one connection, applying a command to this connection will perform this action on all computers of a union.+  N -> Connections
Dynamic connection lists: connections appear in the teacher console when student computers connects the teacher+++ 
Static lists: computer lists are stored on teacher computer. Individually for every teacher or the same for all teachers of the same computer+   
Centralized connection management: all connections are stored on server, are the same for all teachers of the network +  
Computers are addressed by IP address or DNS name+++ 
Computers may be addressed by user name of currently logged in user on student computer +  
Computers may be addressed by custom ID assigned by administrator +  
Import connections (list of computers) from CSV file, which may be created, for example, using Active Directory manager. *+   
Scan network for available student computers+  N – Connections – Scan; Scan IP Range
Student can initiate connection with any teacher computer that has access to a group, to which this student belongs (should be allowed by teacher) +  
Student can initiate connection with a teacher computer (if the teacher is in the same VLAN) and the student module was installed in special mode.+   
Compatible with Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7, 2008R2, 32 and 64-bit editions.+++ 
Works in Ethernet and wireless networks, single-VLAN and multi-VLAN+++ 
Uses direct connections (teacher as “client” connects students as “servers”)+   
Uses back connections (teacher as “server” accepts students as “clients”)+++ 
Does not require Windows Server or Active Directory services+++ 
Does not require special server installed on a teacher or administrator computer+ + 
Net Control 2 Client module may be installed remotely in the network with domains, using Net Deploy tool++ Net Deploy (top toolbar)
Net Control 2 Client module may be installed remotely via Active Directory Group Policies++  
The Client module may be updated remotely from the teacher console+++N -> Help and Support -> Update…
The software can update itself automatically+++ 
Control student computer remotely in a real time, using keyboard and mouse.+++Control
Control several student computers at a time remotely in a real time, actions applied to one computer are repeated on all computers+++Ctl Several button
View-only mode for Remote Desktop tools+++Control
Annotate on a screen of user computer during Remote Desktop session+++Remote Desktop Viewer
Lock keyboard of controlled computer during Remote Desktop session+++Remote Desktop Viewer
Save or print screenshot of remote computer+++Remote Desktop Viewer
Record Remote Desktop session for further replay+++Remote Desktop Viewer
Switch between controlled computers either manually or in automatic mode after some time interval+++Remote Desktop Viewer
View snapshots of all controlled computers+++Remote Desktop Viewer
Broadcast desktop of Instructor’s computer to selected user computers.+++Broadcast
Broadcast desktop of selected user computer to others.+++User
Annotate on Instructor’s desktop during Broadcast Desktop session+++Broadcast Desktop toolbar
Speak to students in the process of broadcast+++ 
Limit area of desktop for broadcast +++Broadcast Desktop toolbar
Block and unblock access to Internet in a click+++Restrictions -> Internet
Enable access to several web-sites, as set up by teacher, black and white lists+++Restrictions -> Internet -> Profiles
Perform automatic filtering of content received from Internet by keywords: disable access to websites, containing forbidden words, including adult content filtering (only for Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox when NC2 Internet Control Engine is installed in Plugin Mode)+++Restrictions -> Internet -> Profiles
In Protocol Layer mode supports (with several limitations) alternative browsers, like Opera, Chromeand Safari.+++Restrictions -> Internet -> Profiles
Restrictions may be applied permanently or for some time only.+++ 
In Protocol Layer mode allows disabling/enabling access to network ports and services+++Restrictions -> Internet -> Profiles
Adjust system policies (operating system’s restrictions) remotely+++Restrictions -> Policies
  • disable or enable access to system programs in Control Panel
  • disable items and properties of items of Start menu
  • restrict access to Desktop settings
  • restrict access to Network settings
  • disable DOS mode
  • disable Task Manager (processes list)
  • restrict access to drives (hide or disable disk drives)
  • disable Add/Remove programs feature of Control Panel
+++Restrictions -> Policies
Restrictions may be applied permanently or for some time only.+++ 
Restrict access to programs: disable or enable programs on-fly. Profiles may be applied permanently or for some time.+++Restrictions -> Program Restrictions
Disable or enable printing services on selected user computers+++Restrictions -> Printing
Disable or enable attaching to the system USB storage devices: USB flash drives, removable HDD and FDDs+++Restrictions -> USB
Dynamically disable and enable removable devices: BD/DVD/CD/Floppy drives+++ 
Mute sound on student computers in a click+++ 
Restrictions may be applied permanently or for some time only.+++ 
Create quizzes, which may contain various types of questions, text and graphic elements+++Quiz-> Quiz Constructor
Send prepared quizzes to users. Monitor user replies and progress in real-time. Export results.+++Quiz
Make quick polls: ask questions to users and watch replies statistic in real-time+++Quick Question
Give rewards to students (gold, silver and bronze stars)+++ 
Keep journals: log lesson events, results of polling and quizzing, list of registered students, any custom notes added by teacher in the process of lesson.+++ 
Draw and type on virtual whiteboard, visible to users and instructors+++Whiteboard
Enable or disable drawing on user side+++Whiteboard sub-menu
Record teacher’s screen and replay records on student computers+++Desktop Recorder toolbar
Convert records to AVI format for replay with multimedia players+++ 
Request students to register themselves with student real name, optional Student ID and two custom fields assigned by teacher. +++ 
Execute programs, open documents and Internet links remotely+++ 
Close started programs and applications+++Programs -> End Program
Run programs and documents from Desktop+++Programs -> Run from Desktop
Run programs and documents from Start -> All programs menu+++Programs -> Run from Programs
Execute Command prompt’s commands+++Programs -> Command Prompt
Run and stop system services remotely+++Programs -> Services
Quick Run tool: create buttons or menu commands on program’s toolbar for quick running applications (documents, Internet links) remotely+++ 
Shutdown and Restart computers remotely+++Shutdown
Wake up (turn on) computers remotely, using WakeupOnLAN technology+  Shutdown
Switch computer to Stand-By and Hibernate power saving modes+++Shutdown
Send list of files (documents) to several computers at a time, save the list of sent files+++ 
Collect send files according to the saved list and arrange them in folders according user’s computer name+++ 
File Management +++Files
  • copy files to or from user computers (to one or several computers simultaneously)
  • rename, delete files on remote computers
  • create new folders
  • search files on remote computers
  • execute files remotely
Send text messages, in dialog windows or in full-screen+++Messages
Send and display graphic images (JPEG and BMP) in full-screen+++Messages
Send and play short audio notifications in Windows WAV format+++Messages
Adjust sound volume on user computers+++Messages
Chat with one or several users+++Chat
Speak to users, several at a time or individually+++Speech
Copy multimedia (video and audio) files to user computers and play them synchronously. All formats of Windows Media Player are supported+++SyncPlayer
User can send Help requests to connected Administrators. Administrator can accept or decline requests, and participate in chat with users of remote computers+++Tray Menu on user side -> Send Help Request
Lock keyboard and mouse to attract attention+++Right panel -> Lock keyboard
Lock keyboard and mouse and blank screen to maintain student attention+++Commands -> Keyboard Management -> Lock and Blank
Simulate Ctrl+Alt+Del pressing to open Task Manager or display Security Attention Screen (SAS)+++ 
Login students remotely+++ 
Log activity on User computers (even if computer is not in the network or Administrator computer is not connected)+++Logger
Monitor activity on User computers on-line:+++Watcher
  • what programs are executed
  • what web-sites (URLs) are requested
  • what program is active
  • different system events (new device attached, time/date changed etc.)
  • save log of activity in CSV file format (for example, may be edited in Microsoft Excel)
Lock Administrator console temporarily and unlock it with special password+++Setup -> Security -> Lock Password
Prevent access to Administrator Console with password protection+++Setup -> Security -> Control Password
Disable, enable access to individual features of Net Control 2 Administrator console using View Profiles.++ N -> Options -> View Profiles
Individual access rights for every group: teacher can access only groups that are allowed for him/her +  
Limit access of a teacher only to one selected by administrator group++  
Administrator password may be assigned on user computers to prevent stopping the service through tray icon menu or to prevent access to NC2 settings +++User Options or System Tray Icon -> Configure
Access to computers of a group may be protected with a Group ID (group password)+  User Options or System Tray Icon -> Configure
NC2 service on user computer may be assigned to some specific or to all network adapters at a time+  User Options or System Tray Icon -> Configure
NC2 service can filter connections on a base of rules assigned by Administrator+  User Options or System Tray Icon -> Configure
Functionality of the student (user) module may be restricted and limited on the user side, setting up student module permissions+++User Options or System Tray Icon -> Configure
Student can stop and resume service at any moment (if allowed by teacher)+++ 
Net Control 2 service displays a logo at startup, icon with description of the program and the list of currently connected computers in a System Tray; perform audio and text notifications when any Administrator computer connects to user computer+++ 
Manage sharing of devices in Microsoft LAN manager remotely:+++Sharing
  • create new shared device (disk drive or printer)
  • delete shared devices
  • edit shared devices
Perform several disk service operations remotely:+++Disk Ops
  • check disks on errors
  • defragment disks
  • delete temporary files
  • clear Recycle Bin
Change wallpaper remotely in a single mouse-click+++menu Commands -> Desktop
Change, synchronize or verify date and time on user computers+++menu Commands -> Date and Time
Get system information (OS, CPU, RAM and disk drives size)+++menu Commands -> Information
Send and install Registry files+++menu Commands -> Registry
Get Registry hives remotely+++menu Commands -> Registry
Send snapshots of Instructor’s screen in a single mouse-click+++Ctrl+Alt+F12
Create macro commands+++menu Commands -> Create Macro…
Create autoexecutable commands – scheduled actions performed on user side automatically+++menu Commands -> Autoexecutable commands
Change resolution of remote computers in a click+++menu Commands -> Desktop
Mute sound of primary audio output device and control muted state+++Restrictions -> Mute